Peer-Reviewed Articles
Mossing DP, Veit J, Palmigiano A, Miller KD, Adesnik H: Antagonistic inhibitory subnetworks control cooperation and competition across cortical space. bioRxiv 2021.03.31.437953; doi:
Quintana D, Bounds H, Veit J, Adesnik H: Balanced bidirectional optogenetics reveals the causal impact of cortical temporal dynamics in sensory perception. bioRxiv 2024.05.30; doi:
Selected conference contributions
Ramanathan C, Eriksson D H, Veit J (2024): Context dependent interareal synchronization across mouse visual cortex. FENS 2024
Ramanathan C, Eriksson D H, Veit J (2023): Context dependent interareal synchronization across mouse visual cortex. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Hendricks W, Sadahiro M, Mossing D, Veit J, Adesnik H (2023): Like-to-like connectivity between pyramidal cells and somatostatin interneurons in the visual cortex drives image segmentation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Ramanathan C, Eriksson D H, Zimmer P A, Veit J (2023): Somatostatin interneurons shape cortical tuning for visual motion coherence. Gordon Research Conference: Inhibition in the CNS
Eriksson D H, Ramanathan C, Veit J (2022): Isolating the ongoing impact of specific cell-types onto recurrent circuits in vivo. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Huang C, Schwalger T, Veit J, Abbott L, Adesnik H, Miller K, Doiron (2021): Cellular mechanisms for quenching neuronal variability. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne)